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Chaguinha on his MVP, Uzbekistan 2024 and futsal’s best wingers

Chaguinha on his MVP, Uzbekistan 2024 and futsal’s best wingers

BUY UZBEKISTAN 2024 TICKETSThey called him ‘The Express Train’. “I’ve never seen a player run so much,” said an awestruck Zagallo. “Others would turn up to play football, and Cafu would turn up to run a marathon.” The incombustible kid from Jardim Irene was incalculably more than just a workhorse. Cafu, indeed, is arguably the

They called him ‘The Express Train’. “I’ve never seen a player run so much,” said an awestruck Zagallo. “Others would turn up to play football, and Cafu would turn up to run a marathon.”

The incombustible kid from Jardim Irene was incalculably more than just a workhorse. Cafu, indeed, is arguably the greatest right wing-back in football history.

Labour nevertheless remained his first and foremost focus. “You can’t always guarantee that you’ll play well, but you can guarantee that you’ll put in the effort,” Cafu explained. “I always wanted to leave the pitch knowing I’d run more than everyone else.”

They called him ‘The Express Train’. “I’ve never seen a player run so much,” said an awestruck Zagallo. “Others would turn up to play football, and Cafu would turn up to run a marathon.”

The incombustible kid from Jardim Irene was incalculably more than just a workhorse. Cafu, indeed, is arguably the greatest right wing-back in football history.

Labour nevertheless remained his first and foremost focus. “You can’t always guarantee that you’ll play well, but you can guarantee that you’ll put in the effort,” Cafu explained. “I always wanted to leave the pitch knowing I’d run more than everyone else.”

Eight years on and Chaguinha still refers to himself as “a water carrier”. His latest MVP award unequivocally asserts that his energy is a mere complement to his class. The 36-year-old, indeed, was named the Best Player in the recent UEFA Futsal Champions League as Palma, against all odds, made it back-to-back trophies.

FIFA caught up with Chaguinha to discuss those conquests, his move to Inter Movistar, the FIFA Futsal World Cup Uzbekistan 2024™ title contenders, and the best goalkeepers, fixos and wingers on the planet.

You seem to run marathons on futsal courts…
Bruno Chaguinha: (laughs) I’m the water carrier of the team! I like to run for the whole team. My strength is not scoring goals, but I take pleasure in doing the running for everyone.

Nobody gave Palma much of a chance of winning the 2022/23 UEFA Champions League. How did it feel to lift the trophy in front of your own supporters in Mallorca?
To tell the truth, when I left Benfica, I was a little sad that I’d never won the Champions League. The first and second-placed teams in Portugal qualify for the Champions, and Benfica and Sporting always qualified. I thought I had a chance to win it with Benfica, but unfortunately it never happened. When I left I thought that, perhaps, my chance had gone because it’s so difficult to qualify for the Champions League in Spain, there are so many great teams. However, when I saw Palma’s project, saw all the great players they had, I begin to think it was possible. The ending was a dream. It was in our home. My mum, dad, granddad came from Brazil to support me. They gave me extra force and so did the supporters. We knew we could win the title because we had a really good team. When we did, it was much better than I could have ever imagined. It was a dream realised.

What did you think of Luan’s performance against Sporting in the final?
Luan is a player who gives you various options in a game. He makes great saves, he’s good with his feet and he’s dynamic. He put in a great performance. For me he was the best player in that Champions League.

Palma didn’t have home advantage in the final four in 2023/24, and once again you were the outsiders…
We were the giant-slayers yet again. It was even tougher to win the Champions League this year. It’s really, really difficult to win back-to-back Champions Leagues. The final four was as difficult as it could be. You had Benfica, Sporting and Barcelona. The three of them were the favourites. Benfica were playing really well. We were losing 3-1 and 4-2, but managed to produce a late comeback and win on penalties. When we came back to win a UEFA Champions League semi-final like that, we knew we were going to win the title again.

What did you think of the performances of Carlos Barron and Luan against Barcelona in the final?
Barron was superb. He made a lot of outstanding saves. Luan did too. When we needed him, he stepped up. When we were 2-1 up, and he made an impossible save at the back post that was worthy of the title. He also scored a wonder goal against Benfica in the semi-finals.

You were outstanding throughout Palma’s campaign and won the tournament’s Best Player award. How proud are you of this?
Very proud. It was a dream. I honestly didn’t expect an award like this. I’m a player who does the running for everyone, tries to give my everything. It’s difficult for a player like me to win an award like this. It usually goes to a player who scores goals. I didn’t expect it at all. I was shocked but very, very happy. I was very grateful to my team-mates. Only one player can win the Best Player award, but we all deserved it. The triumph was down to the whole group. I was very proud of all the players, the coaching staff and myself.

Can you explain your decision to move to Inter?
I always dreamed of playing for Inter. For me it’s the biggest futsal club in the world. They’ve won five Champions Leagues, are the most successful team in Spain. When I arrived in Spain a long time ago, they had Schumacher, Marquinhos, Gabriel, Luis Amado. I had a lot of desire to play for them. I had an offer to renew my Palma contract, but I felt it was the right time to leave and fulfil this dream of representing Inter. Now I want to win titles and make history with Inter.

Before you elected to represent Georgia, do you feel you deserved a Brazil call-up?
I left Brazil really early. I never played in the Liga Nacional in Brazil. Players who leave Brazil at a young age get forgotten. You have Robinho, Eder Lima, Romulo, [Alex] Merlim. I think I made the right decision to play for Georgia. At the time I was 32. I’d never been called up by Brazil, there was no speculation about me being called up, I’d never been contacted by anyone from Brazilian coaching staff, I was never going to get called up. I understood it because Brazil have so many players of the highest quality. They won’t miss having a Chaguinha. Now I hope everything goes well for the Brazilian national team, that they win the World Cup.

Does it upset you that you’ve never played in a World Cup?
I’m sad about it, yes. It’s the dream of every player to play in the Champions League, the World Cup, to win those competitions. The World Cup is the biggest of the big. Representing your country in it is even better. I didn’t happen for me, but no worries. I’m excited to watch this World Cup and cheer on Brazil.

Who do you see as the forerunners to win Uzbekistan 2024?
For me, the favourites to win the World Cup are Portugal. They’ve won everything – the World Cup, the EURO, the Finalissima – over the last few years. They are so strong together as a team. Brazil are almost on the same level as Portugal. Brazil have so much individual quality, they’re so good in one-against-ones, every one of their players can win a game. A little behind Brazil come Spain, who are another great side. And the team that could surprise everyone are Morocco. They’ve been playing incredibly. They have a different style of play. It’s very good to watch. They’re really quick, are so good at transitions. They’re good on the attack and in defence.

Do you think there are only four contenders, or more?
I think there are three. I think Morocco could have a great World Cup, enchant everybody with the way they play. I think they could reach the semi-finals, perhaps even the final, but I think Portugal, Brazil or Spain would be a little too much for them. I think it’s a battle between Portugal, Brazil and Spain.

Who do you rate as the wingers heading to this World Cup?
I will name three: Dyego, Pany and Adolfo. All three are outstanding. Adolfo is that player who always gives you an option, he’s always moving. Dyego can make something happen out of nothing. He’s always really decisive. Pany is incredible at attacking and defending. He has excellent ability, he’s strong, he’s very complete. There are obviously others. Pito is one when he plays on the wing, but he usually plays as a pivot. Arthur of Brazil is another top winger, but for me Adolfo, Pany and Dyego are the best.

You played alongside Andre Correia, Roncaglio, Nico Sarmiento, Luan, you’re now Jesus Herrero’s team-mate, you’ve played against Guitta and Higuita. Who do you regard as the best goalkeeper in the world right now?
The goalkeeper I played alongside who left me most awestruck was Juanjo. I was really, really impressed by that guy. He was like an octopus! Nothing got past him. Today I think Guitta is the best goalkeeper in the world.

What about the best fixo?
I think it’s between Marlon and Tomaz. I think Douglas was the best in the world for a few years, and he’s still one of the best, but I think Marlon and Tomaz are the best two today. I had the pleasure of playing alongside them both. They’re exceptionally difficult for pivots to get past, they’re very good on the ball and their reading of the game is on another level. Marlon and Tomaz make a huge difference for their teams.


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